In recent years, we have all heard the expression before, but how does someone really “break the Internet?” Recently, an incident arose where a large network of electronic devices joined together resulting in a major interference with online businesses and services. Amazon, Netflix, and Yahoo, were hobbled temporarily due to…
Articles Posted in E-commerce
Internet of Things: Is It Safe or Dangerous?
As it stands, the Internet of Things can be a dangerous proposition. Due to various hacking techniques, like rubber ducks, pineapples, and pivoting, one must wonder, if it can be hacked into, and if so, then what can we do about it? What about cars, planes, trains, and power plants?…
Avoiding Banking Fraud
Nowadays, we’re using the web for numerous purposes, including, but not limited to, online banking. So, we should be able to protect our financial information. There are many options for hackers to gain access to financial information, and without the prerequisite security, financial information can be accessed by hackers. The…
Crowdfunding Under Title III
We know that the JOBS Act has been officially confirmed by the government. We have written about the JOBS Act in the past, and Title III has provided various new rules regarding equity crowdfunding, specifically on who can donate, and where the participating entities can receive funds. Yet, even with…
Electronic Signatures
In the current business world, parties may be separated by great distances and may never meet face-to-face. During the course or interactions, their communications may only be online, leading to a constant trade of contracts over e-mail. So, when it comes time to sign the contracts, a meeting may not…
Browsewrap Agreements
Following from last week, there is another counterpart to clickwrap agreements, known as a browsewrap. These are ultimately agreements that are harder to enforce than a clickwrap because instead of an action to assent to the agreement, a contract is formed, in part, by the individual continuing to browse the…
Clickwrap Agreements
In the current times, website design is a basic step for business operations. The design must be balanced, with attractive features and easy-to-use interface. The user interaction has to be accounted for, the visit locations, how the website flows. And with that, various user agreements are also in place to…
Privacy and Interstate Commerce
With the ever-increasing dominance of cameras in our society, we might never think to ask “can someone find me from a picture?” How futuristic would it be, to snap a picture of someone’s face and see their social media? To use a face like a business card? While technology may…
After establishing the issues of preemption and standing, how can you sue for violations of CAN-SPAM? Is there any way for spam to be combated by an individual? Yes, there is by suing for fraud or deception, which are not explicitly covered under the CAN-SPAM Act. So, how do you…
CAN-SPAM Act – Part II
So, now that we know more about preemption in the CAN-SPAM Act, then what more is there to consider? There is actually quite a lot of other factors, namely standing. Now that you know how the federal CAN-SPAM Act and state laws may interact, there leaves the question of “standing.” …