
Articles Posted in Technology


Quantum Computing Laws – Part II

Quantum computers will probably take over the various technology industries in the near future. It is called the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and it will change the way we use and experience technology. These superfast computers have an extremely powerful computing power that is unmatched by traditional computers. Its technology is…


Quantum Computing Laws – Part I

Quantum computers will be more prevalent in the coming years as technology advances and they become more affordable. Quantum computers function differently than traditional computers. They are faster and much more efficient when compared to traditional computers. Today’s traditional computers use digital bits which represent zeros and ones – i.e.,…


California Electronic Communications Privacy Act

The California Electronic Communications Privacy Act (“CalECPA”) was enacted several years ago to require government agencies to obtain a valid search warrant prior to requesting electronic information from service providers. These statutory protections can be enforced by business entities and individuals and extend to communication service providers which collect and…


Deepfake Rules and Regulations

Machine learning algorithms can help create fake videos or pictures of someone else without their knowledge or consent. In fact, in 2017, University of Washington’s researchers created a video of Barak Obama who was seemingly discussing important issues. Now, there are software applications such as FakeApp that can help create…


Deepfake: What are the Laws?

Deepfake rules and regulations have been developing in the recent times. The term “deepfake” comes from two separate words – deep learning and fake – which uses artificial intelligence technology to create fake pictures or videos. The creator can utilize special software programs to create the picture or video by…


Predictive Policing Technology and Legal Issues

Predictive policing has been used to calculate and forecast future crimes. Yes, although it sounds quite futuristic, but it has been used by various private and public organizations. The City of Santa Cruz, California was one of the first state governments that tried to implement this technology in an effort…


Cybersecurity Risk Management – Part II

Cybersecurity risk management requires proper due diligence on the company’s cybersecurity program. This is an important aspect because the company’s executives owe a fiduciary duty towards their shareholders and customers. In other words, a company’s manager or director should take every reasonable measure to ensure the safety and security of…


Smart Devices and Privacy Laws

Smart devices are being sold to consumers and businesses on a regular basis. They include smart phones, smart cars, smart televisions, smart thermostats, smart doorbells, smart bulbs, smart locks, smart watches, smart speakers, smart refrigerators, and other electronic devices. These smart devices can be recording you or collecting personal data…


Internet Fraud Rules and Regulations

Internet fraud and scams have exponentially increased in recent years. There are several reasons for this development which include the expansion of technology and usage of electronic devices in our daily lives. The fraudsters find different ways to retrieve sensitive or confidential information in order to commit their crimes. For…

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