
Articles Posted in Technology


Internet Fraud Rules and Regulations

Internet fraud and scams have exponentially increased in recent years. There are several reasons for this development which include the expansion of technology and usage of electronic devices in our daily lives. The fraudsters find different ways to retrieve sensitive or confidential information in order to commit their crimes. For…


Discovery of Electronically-Stored Information

The parties are generally entitled to discovery of relevant and admissible evidence during litigation. This process includes the discovery of electronically-stored information (“ESI”) which can be stored at internal and external locations such as the local area network and cloud.  It has become more prevalent for companies to transfer their…


What is Sextortion?

Sextortion is a type of online blackmail. It’s one kind of sexual exploitation that takes place on the internet when an anonymous individual threatens to distribute the victim’s explicit videos or pictures if he or she does not comply with the demands which can include transferring funds through digital currencies.…


United States Privacy Laws – Part I

There are state and federal privacy laws that are applicable to consumers and commercial organizations. There has been much activity with the collection and distribution of private or confidential information in recent years. Personal information can be collected through several methods such as voluntary disclosures, cookies, website bugs, tracking software,…



The Eliminating Abuse and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technology (“EARN IT”) Act is a proposed bill that is designed to permit government agencies scan online messages and prevent child sexual exploitations. It is meant to force websites remove child abuse images from their platforms. The advocates argue it is necessary…


Online Marketing and Advertising Laws

Online marketing and advertising can be a complicated process since the internet has opened new channels that did not previously exist before the technology age’s expansion. Now, with the advent of sophisticated technologies, business owners, startups, and entrepreneurs have more options when it comes to online marketing and advertising. They…


Electronic Discovery: How to Handle Electronically Stored Information

Electronic discovery is complicated because it’s a multifaceted procedure. The parties must review the computer network that yields the electronically stored information. They must identify the relevant electronically stored information (“ESI”) and understand the network infrastructure. The collection process is the next step wherein the parties must be able to…


Quantum Computer: Its Technology and Legal Effects

Quantum computing technology will certainly have an effect on state, federal, and international laws. A quantum computer is a much more capable electronic device and has the ability to process data faster.  In general, computers can manage, control, and process information by using individual bits that store information as binary…


Electronic Discovery and Data Retention Policies

The management of electronic records in litigation is important. In general, there should be a data retention policy for all business entities especially if they are part of a highly-regulated industry such as health care, energy, securities, and banking. There are state and federal laws that regulate the management of…


Is Internet Gambling Legal?

This article has been prepared to discuss the legality of online gambling and the relevant rules and regulations. These laws affect individuals, businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs as they’ve recently expressed their interests in this topic. Therefore, we will discuss the relevant state and federal laws. It’s important to note that…

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