
Articles Posted in Technology


Ransomware: What is it and what are the relevant laws?

In general, ransomware is a type of malware (i.e., malicious software) that is designed to take control of an electronic communication device, prevent its owner from accessing the electronic communication device, notify its owner that the electronic communication device has been held ransom, demand payment from the owner, and return…


Cloud Computing and Cybersecurity Laws

Cloud computing has become the normal protocol to store data for most individuals and businesses. The fact that online storage is cheaper these days has contributed to the expansion of this technology. There are numerous companies out there that provide cloud storage facilities which may be inside or outside of…


DMV Sale of Personal Information and TrueDialog Text Message Leak

Part I: DMV Sale of Personal Information A group has investigated and allegedly found that the California Department of Motor Vehicles has earned more than $50 million by selling personal information of drivers to third parties without consent. This data may include names, addresses, and registration information. The DMV claims…


Quantum Computing Technology and Legal Issues

Quantum computing technology will be affecting most of us in a direct or indirect way. We have stated in a prior article that: “A quantum computer is a highly-advanced computer system that works exponentially faster than today’s conventional computers. Quantum computing is the practice of studying quantum computers and their potential. This…


Internet Spam and Robocall Violations

Internet spam violations have increased in the past years. For example, the spammers use the interconnected network of computers that links us together in the world to disseminate malware. The spammers also use the internet to send junk email that fills up email accounts and can be used to commit…


Spammers and Legal Issues

There have been cases where spammers have transmitted spam via email and text messages. These messages can include improper content, propaganda, hidden messages, and malware (e.g., virus, trojan, ransomware, adware, spyware). The spammers use the Internet Service Provider’s and user’s bandwidth to disseminate spam which results in bandwidth saturation, lost…


Forgery of Real Estate Documents

Laws against forgery of documents have existed for almost as long as writing itself has existed. For most of that time, forgery techniques did not change very much. However, modern digital technology has significantly expanded opportunities for people to create fraudulent documents. Real estate transactions are making increasing use of…


How Does the E-SIGN Act Apply to Real Estate Documents?

The world is growing increasingly “paperless” as more documents move into digital spaces. People born in this decade might only know terms like “sign on the dotted line” and “before the ink is dry” as something their grandparents would explain. Without hard copies of important documents, though, our legal system…


Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and Smart Dust Technologies

Internet of Things is more extensive than the Internet itself. It constitutes the combination of all electronic devices that are connected on the web and are able to communicate with each other. It is different from the Internet because it is essentially governed by information that is stored by electronic devices…


Virtual and Augmented Reality Laws

Virtual reality (VR) is an experience taking place within simulated and immersive environments that can be similar to or completely different from the real world. It can be used for educational and entertainment purposes.  Also, augmented reality or mixed reality are other types of this technology. The current systems use…

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