
Articles Posted in Technology


Online Privacy and Related Issues

In general, online privacy falls under two categories. First, is personal privacy.  Second, is corporate privacy.  For example, corporate privacy concerns the protection of corporate data (e.g., electronic communications) from retrieval or interception by unauthorized parties. Security is important for the protection of trade secrets, proprietary information, and privileged communications.…


Internet of Things, Privacy, Security and Related Issues

The Internet of Things (“IoT”) is the next evolution and is making a remarkable impact on technology and our way of life. In fact, the availability of an omnipresent network connectivity has fostered the widespread use of smart devices. Devices are now able to communicate with each other through embedded…


eDiscovery, ESI, and Data Collection Guidelines

Electronic discovery (a/k/a “eDiscovery”) is the process of identifying, locating, preserving, collecting, preparing, reviewing, and producing electronically stored information in the context of the legal process. Electronically stored information (“ESI”) includes anything that can be stored in electronic form on a computer or other media device. A computer is defined…


Online Banking Fraud – Part II

Online banking is an electronic payment system that enables customers of a financial institution to conduct financial transactions on the web.   In today’s high-tech world, online banking fraud is committed on a daily basis.  As such, sometimes customers may not be liable for certain unauthorized online transactions, subject to the…


Online Advertising and Pay-Per-Click Fraud

Pay-per-click (“PPC”) advertising is a profitable online service that search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, or Microsoft, provide their customers. Now recently, PPC fraud has developed and caused loss of revenues for businesses and advertisers.   PPC fraud occurs when someone or a program clicks on a company’s advertisement without intending…


Cell Phone Privacy, GPS Technology, and Invasion of Privacy

In recent years, global positioning system (“GPS”) technology has increased in usage on various GPS-enabled devices (e.g., cars, smartcards, handheld computers, and cell phones).  This technology brings value to its users, however, it has caused a significant decrease in privacy. Private and public organizations are able to collect and use…


e-Residencies, e-States, And The Risk of Cyberattacks on Digital Societies

In recent times, e-residencies (a/k/a “electronic residency”) have become a trend in some European societies. For example, the Republic of Estonia implemented this concept into its banking systems in order to permit people to manage their funds in an electronic environment. According to the Information System Authority, in 2001, the…


Update On Telephone Consumer Protection Act

The best advertising directs a company’s message directly to the customer.  Direct telephone marketing is an effective way to accomplish this kind of advertising.  However, the Telephone Consumer Protect Act (“TCPA”) now restricts how businesses can engage in direct telephone marketing.  But, there are many other ways companies can directly…


Peer-to-Peer Cyber Crimes

Peer-to-peer networks have provided an invaluable service that allows users to share information and data around the world. These networks became popular for media sharing, culminating in the infamous Napster scandal. Many are aware of the copyright issues that arise with the use of peer-to-peer media sharing. However, there are…


ABC v. Aereo—Implications for the Future

The writing is on the wall.  The future of television and media consumption is moving away from network channels and physical sales to an “On-Demand Internet” streaming model.  This trend has already begun with millennials.  Millennials, as a group, do not subscribe to cable television or purchase music. Instead, services…

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