
Articles Posted in Technology


The JOBS Act: Crowdfunding Under Titles II and III

Since the 1930s, the act of publicly raising money for a startup business has been outlawed. Now, with the implementation of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”), in 2012, public crowdfunding is legal and encouraged. Startup companies are no longer confined in the resources and opportunities available to…


Cryptocurrencies and Crypto-Crowdfunding

It seems that entrepreneurs do not simply want to capitalize on local markets anymore.  An international impact is achievable with the connections available through internet and technology (e.g., e-commerce).  A startup company can now achieve that international presence by utilizing cryptocurrencies and crypto-crowdfunding.  Using cryptocurrencies allows a company to do…


Mobile Apps and Consumer Privacy Rights

As mobile technology improves, we all do more on our mobile devices—e.g., banking, shopping, and gaming are just a few examples.  The Wall Street Journal estimates the mobile apps market as a $25 billion industry.  New businesses and entrepreneurs may want to jump into this growing market. When new developers…


Cybersecurity Insurance

Today, most companies are dependent on technology and their computer systems, and there are entities whose primary focus is to hack into these systems. On the other hand, a company might experience an internal breach of its network system, which causes the unauthorized release of sensitive information. Any breach into…


Web Scraping and Related Legal Issues

Computers are learning to do it all—even surf the Web. These computers, or programs, explore the World Wide Web, gathering information and processes for use in other forums. This technology, which is known as “web scraping” may also threaten website and consumer privacy concerns. Indeed, websites have a proprietary interest…


Data Mining and Privacy Concerns

Where you visit online seems to say a lot about you. Online privacy has been in the spotlight recently, as consumers come to terms with the reality that their online tracks define who they are to marketers and government agencies.  By studying this data, third parties can paint a picture…


EPIC Sues Facebook Over Privacy Concerns

On July 11, 2014, the privacy watchdog, Electronic Privacy Information Center (“EPIC”) filed a formal complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) against Facebook. EPIC alleged that Facebook broke the law by secretly monitoring users’ emotions in response to news feeds. The complaint explains that Facebook deceived users through its…


Mobile Banking and Related Security Threats

The smartphone has brought a world of possibility to the average consumer’s fingertips. Now, this has come to include mobile banking. With fast-paced lifestyles and long lines at the banks, mobile banking has emerged as a thrilling convenience. However, this convenience brings cybersecurity concerns. Therefore, consumers who have turned to…


Attorney General’s Guidelines for Business Cybersecurity

In the aftermath of high profile cybersecurity breaches, businesses and consumers are alert to the real dangers of cyber vulnerability. In response, various government agencies have taken up efforts to protect against future breaches. Thus, consumers and businesses must continue to take steps to protect themselves and their private information.…

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