
Articles Posted in Technology


California Cyber Stalking and Harassment Laws

In California, the stalking laws are included under Section 646.9 of the Penal Code, which states that any person who willfully and maliciously, and repeatedly follows or harasses another person and who makes a credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear for his or her…


Cyberstalking, Cyberharassment and Cyberbullying Laws

In light of the circumstances, numerous states have enacted “cyberstalking” or “cyberharassment” laws or currently possess laws that specifically include electronic forms of communication within more traditional stalking or harassment laws. In addition, many states have enacted “cyberbullying” laws in reaction to issues related to protecting minors from online bullying…


Samsung Enters Into a Legal Battle with Apple Over iPhone 3G Patents

Samsung Electronics, the second largest maker of mobile phones, claims that Apple Inc. has infringed upon its patents since entering the mobile-phone market with the iPhone 3G, a lawyer for Samsung told a Dutch court as the Korean company seeks a ban on some Apple products in the Netherlands. “Apple…


Politically-motivated hackers release sensitive information

In the recent years, politically-motivated hackers have made sensitive information available to bloggers and mainstream media at unprecedented rates. For example, Wikileaks released leaked Afghan war logs and government diplomatic cables. Anonymous individual hacked and released emails from the computer security firm HBGary. A college student gained access to and…


Facebook Seeks More Acquisitions and Looks to Compete with Twitter and Google

Facebook Inc., which is currently considered the world’s largest social network, plans more acquisitions so to improve its site design, keep services more reliable and advance its mobile features to compete with Twitter and Google which are active in the same arenas. Facebook’s director of corporate development, Vaughan Smith stated…


New-Age Hackers Force Symantec and McAfee to Scramble for Better Solutions

A rise in attacks by hackers in 2011 is showing limits of an older generation of security software from Symantec Corp. ( and McAfee Inc. ( and is placing pressure on these high-tech companies to upgrade products. These and similar companies are seeking to keep up with cloud computing and…

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