We are continuing our look at the impact of artificial intelligence on copyright laws. In general, copyright’s underlying theory—to protect property rights as defined by the labor a person puts into an object, and to incentivize economic progress by entitling people to the fruits of their labor—will come to bear…
Internet Lawyer Blog
Artificial Intelligence and Copyright Laws – Part I
This month, our plan is to shift our focus on copyright laws, which at this time, is at a juncture of its own. Artificial intelligence is quickly sweeping across many areas of life. Google, for example, has just started funding a program that will write local news articles. Perhaps more stirringly,…
Virtual Currencies And The Risks
We end this month’s blog with an overview on virtual currencies and the risks. Last month, we fleshed out our understanding of blockchain technology and the legal quandaries that surround it. This month we narrowed our focus to the specifics of one of its uses: currency. Virtual currencies have great…
Virtual Currencies and Government Regulations
We have explored the emerging technology of virtual currencies, after delving into the blockchain space last month. We explored how virtual currencies are being regulated—a hitherto unclear area of law that befits our general understanding of the technology itself. After all, the blockchain was specifically designed to avoid the vicissitudes…
Virtual Currencies and Taxation
We are continuing our discussion about virtual currencies and the related issues. Because this is a burgeoning technology producing a wonderful array of blockchain innovations, regulators have struggled to determine how, or whether at all, they should regulate it. It poses an array of novel legal questions, and its economic…
Virtual Currencies and Licensing
Last month, we explored the area of law surrounding blockchain technology. Last week, we focused on a narrower realm of blockchain technology – i.e., virtual currencies. Today, we delve further into digital currencies that are adding so much value to the modern economy. Because the technology is so innovative and…
Blockchain’s Legal Issues – Part III
We have narrowed our focus on blockchain’s legal issues to cryptocurrencies. Tokenizing is a recent capital innovation and its legal landscape is hazy and nuanced at this time. This week, we will hone our focus further to shed light on this new technology, its economic and social benefits, and its…
Blockchain’s Legal Issues – Part II
Today, we continue our focus on blockchain technology and surrounding rules and regulations. It is a nascent area and the subject of much debate. Last week, we discussed the jurisdictional issues this technology poses, as well as questions of liability, contract, and intellectual property. Today, we narrow our focus to one…
Blockchain’s Legal Issues – Part I
This week our focus shifts to a topic buzzing about the modern world. We have written on numerous occasions about cryptocurrency, but we have not discussed more pointedly the technological mechanism that yields it – i.e., the blockchain. A complex, decentralized technology with the power, accuracy, and security to replace…
Europe’s New Copyright Law and Its Effects on the Internet
This week’s article explores the European Union’s brewing copyright law and its possible effects on the internet. Proponents intend for the law to modernize and suit copyright law for the digital age. Critics say the law will make the internet substantially less free. Today we discuss the Directive on Copyright…