For this month’s blog posts, we will be discussing some of the most recent Supreme Court cases that have been decided this year. Specifically, we will address cases that are likely to have an impact on internet, e-commerce, technology, business, and cybersecurity laws. We will start with a discussion of…
Internet Lawyer Blog
Update On Cyberbullying Laws
Cyberbullying in schools is one of the most troubling activities currently plaguing our educational system. When children are bullied, they can’t focus, they don’t feel that they fit in, and they often lose interest in school. This creates absenteeism, depression, and even suicide among school-age children and teenagers in our…
Artificial Intelligence and Privacy Issues
This month on our blog we have been talking about internet law related legislation and development. This week will continue the topic with a discussion of artificial intelligence and privacy issues. Specifically, we will talk about Google’s new Duplex technology, which allows users to make appointments, book reservations, and call…
The California Consumer Privacy Act And Its Unprecedented Protection For User Data
In our first June blog post, we discussed a bill passed by the State Senate which would provide net neutrality rules for ISPs in the State of California. We continue this week with the theme of internet regulating laws being proposed in our state. The California Consumer Privacy Act of…
SB 822: California’s Net Neutrality Protection Law
On May 30, 2018, the California State Senate voted to pass a bill that will ensure net neutrality on the internet in the State of California. With the FCC’s repealing of Obama-era net neutrality rules going into effect on June 11, 2018, California’s bill will provide for continued net neutrality…
Privacy Rights for California Minors
Mentioned in passing, in our first December blog post is another potential pitfall for operators of Internet-based services such as websites or applications. This one pitfall in particular comes out of the State of California. However, given the role of the internet as a wide-spread source of information, this is…
What Is COPPA?
Last week we discussed smart toys, and we mentioned “COPPA” in that article. As such, some of you may be asking what is COPPA?” In short, COPPA is a federal law specifically tailored towards children, and stands for “Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.” This law is meant to protect children…
What Are Smart Toys?
We have finally reached December, and with it, comes the time for shopping. Of course, some people will focus on the youngest members of their families – i.e., children. However, it needs to be emphasized that even with children, there are special concerns. The law considers juveniles and their decision-making…
Net Neutrality: Why it Matters and What You Need to Know About FCC’s Suggested Changes?
This is a current update on the principle of net neutrality that is worthy of a discussion. So, how or why is an update necessary? The answer is that net neutrality rules may be changing soon, and various organizations are currently lobbying for their positions. Why does net neutrality matter…
Google v. Equustek Solutions, Inc.
In a current dispute between Google and a Canadian company over de-indexing a competitor, Google is doing everything in its power to avoid the court order. Not necessarily because it believes in the innocence of Datalink, but because to de-index would be removing an important immunity under current U.S. laws.…