
Internet Lawyer Blog


First Annual Review of EU-US Privacy Shield

The European Commission released its first annual review of the current EU-US Privacy Shield in order to determine what may or may not need changes as a matter of policy. As it currently stands, the Privacy Shield creates enforceable protections for European Union residents regarding the use of their personal…


Internet Commerce and GDPR

In general, internet commerce transpires on the national and international levels. Naturally, data protection is an important concern for private and public agencies.  The European Union’s remaining members are currently in the process of another process to protect data with the “General Data Protection Regulation” (GDPR) set to take effect…


Copyright Laws: What is Protected When It Comes to Clothing?

Now, by closing out this month and a deep dive into the future of copyright law comes a slightly more obscure reference to a recent change we’ve covered previously. Namely, what is, and what is not, protected under copyright when it comes to clothing? We now know that cheerleading uniforms…


Copyright Laws: What Is Fair Use and Parody?

In general, parody is a well-tested defense to copyright infringement claims. For example, legal cases involving Barbie Girls and Pretty Women have hammered in the points quite definitively, though the question of what exactly is parody has persisted throughout the years.  Generally, it would be seen as something that ridicules…


New Law Introduced For Copyright Small Claims Court

In general, copyright lawsuits can be expensive. They require a lawyer who is well-versed with the copyright laws and federal court system. Yet, any creator or owner of copyright knows that the real scourge tends to happen with piracy. In some instances, no alterations, no messy facts, and no major…


The Equifax Breach: Part Four Analysis

As the Equifax breach continues to become a complicated issue, certain lessons can be learned for other businesses handling personal information. Namely, what not to do in their business operations?  In the wake of the cybersecurity breach, it had been reported that Equifax was aware of the security gaps, and…


The Equifax Breach: Part Three Analysis

As the Equifax breach has developed recently, another issue has come up, namely the arbitration provision within its website, which has caused consumer outrage and confusion. So, why does this provision matter? If consumers want to get their credit frozen, or check to see if they were affected, surely Equifax…


The Equifax Breach: Part Two Analysis

Let us move on to the ways to protect ourselves in the future by using a credit freeze or fraud alert.  These options can protect your personal, private, and confidential information after a security breach and effectively add extra protection against identity theft. We have discussed them briefly in the…

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