
Internet Lawyer Blog


The Equifax Breach: Part One Analysis

Equifax presents an interesting question to consumers. Somehow, an entity that no consumer may have had an actual interaction with has their information, and had leaked it out onto the world. For example, names, phone numbers, credit card numbers, social security numbers, addresses, e-mails were collected and released to unauthorized…


Internet Scams: What Are Your Options?

You may have been considering legal actions due to a recent internet scam. Or, you may be wondering what other options you may have for dealing with the issue outside of the legal sphere. Naturally, legal recourse may provide financial or equitable remedies (e.g., temporary restraining orders) but usually there…


What Are Catfishing Motives?

Now that we’ve discussed Catfishing as a scam, let’s go into further detail regarding the motives.  Like any scam, there must be some benefit to the scammer. This benefit is the primary motive for anyone to commit a catfishing scam.  Previously, we mentioned that among other things, the perpetrator may…


Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin Split

Now, aside from Bitcoin and other digital currencies spawning from video games and consumer-oriented companies, it’s important to be aware that there are other types of digital currencies or so-called “cryptocurrencies.” These operate more similarly to Bitcoin in how they generally lack a centralized system that assigns value (compared to…


What Is A Virtual Currency?

The legality of certain virtual currencies can be murky.  While some currencies, like Bitcoin, can be readily traded for goods and services, however, other virtual currencies remain where regulation is more questionable. To that point, the curators of digital economies have hired economists to better model the value of these…


How to Defend Against Enforcement of Foreign Arbitration Awards

In July 2017’s newsletter, we discussed how you can enforce an international arbitration award in the United States. Although, there are people who may want to enforce a foreign arbitration award, there are others who seek to defend themselves against it. In general, the domestic courts can decide not to…

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