
Internet Lawyer Blog


California’s Anti-Spam Laws

In recent years, consumers have received numerous emails from merchants, all trying to sell a service or a product. While marketing and commercial activity is central to the American economy, the recipients of these emails must also enjoy their privacy. In an effort to protect against these disruptive emails, the…


EPIC Sues Facebook Over Privacy Concerns

On July 11, 2014, the privacy watchdog, Electronic Privacy Information Center (“EPIC”) filed a formal complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) against Facebook. EPIC alleged that Facebook broke the law by secretly monitoring users’ emotions in response to news feeds. The complaint explains that Facebook deceived users through its…


Mobile Banking and Related Security Threats

The smartphone has brought a world of possibility to the average consumer’s fingertips. Now, this has come to include mobile banking. With fast-paced lifestyles and long lines at the banks, mobile banking has emerged as a thrilling convenience. However, this convenience brings cybersecurity concerns. Therefore, consumers who have turned to…


Attorney General’s Guidelines for Business Cybersecurity

In the aftermath of high profile cybersecurity breaches, businesses and consumers are alert to the real dangers of cyber vulnerability. In response, various government agencies have taken up efforts to protect against future breaches. Thus, consumers and businesses must continue to take steps to protect themselves and their private information.…


The Supreme Court Expands Electronic Privacy

In a decision released June 25, 2014, the United States Supreme Court held that law enforcement officials could not search a suspect’s cell phone or electronic devices as part of an arrest. In Riley v. California, the Supreme Court maintained that the officials would need to secure a warrant to…


Protecting Corporate Trade Secrets

A corporation’s trade secrets are its lifeblood. Indeed, it is through this information that a company generates a profit and maintains its reputation in the industry. A trade secret includes any unique information that carries value. There are both state and federal laws which pertain to trade secrets. Unfortunately, federal…


International Efforts to Prevent Unfair Trading Practices

The expansion of cyber consumerism—buying and selling products over the Internet, or engaging in business over the Internet—has called into the question whether international laws are equipped to protect consumers in their online transactions. Indeed, online business often takes place over several countries, implicating the legal standards in those countries.…


The Right To Be Forgotten

The European community has been making great strides to establish and protect individual privacy in the globalized cyber community. On May 13, 2014, the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) issued a decision that European Union (“EU”) citizens had a right to ask search engines to remove search results about themselves. …


European Union Proposes New Online Privacy Regulations

Early in 2012, the European Commission proposed a reformation of the European Union’s data protection rules.  The European Commission sought to strengthen online privacy rights and improve Europe’s digital economy. The European Commission pointed to expansive globalization and different levels of implementation by the EU’s 27 member states as reasons…

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