
Internet Lawyer Blog


Facebook Pictures and Privacy Concerns with Facial Recognition Technology

Facebook is struggling to decide how to handle its pictures. While consumer companies urge Facebook to profit from its face recognition technology, international regulators insist that user identities remain protected. According to a New York Times article entitled, Facebook Can ID Face, But Using Them Grows Tricky, Facebook agreed to…


Protecting Your Reputation and Identity on the Internet

The content of an online search result for an individual generates a profile of the individual. Such content paints a picture for potential employers and colleagues, and the information may not be ideal. Therefore, in order to protect your online reputation and your overall image, it is important to take…


California’s Homeowner Bill of Rights

In January 2013, the California Homeowner Bill of Rights will take effect, providing unparalleled protection for homeowners across the state. This Bill, which is the first of its kind, will reform the foreclosure process and provide unique protection for homeowners. The Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris pioneered the Bill…


Privacy Concerns in the Changing Face of the Internet and Technology

The technological advancements and the ever-expansive world of cyberspace are in a perpetual state of conflict with individual privacy concerns. For example, a recent research project by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology demonstrates that independent component analysis allows companies to track changes in pulse by the subsequent change in skin…


Antitrust Accusations Building Against Google

The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) may be preparing to file an antitrust suit against Google for abusing its dominance as an Internet search engine to stifle competition from other search engines and arbitrarily increase advertisement costs. The Sherman Antitrust Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 1-7, which governs American antitrust law, makes…


International E-Commerce and Applicable Legal Considerations

Through globalization, outsourcing, and growing industry abroad international commerce has come to the forefront of business practices. Especially in the realm of electronic commerce, or e-commerce, where entire transactions take place online, international commerce is a major factor. Accordingly, legal considerations arise out of international business conduct, which includes questions…


Taxation on Internet Transactions Could Be A Click Away

As online consumerism expands alongside ever-growing government deficits, legislatures look towards online transactions as a potential source of taxation revenue. Currently, there is no universal taxation on the Internet. Based on Quill Corporation v. North Dakota, a 1992 Supreme Court decision, online merchants that do not have a physical presence…


The Growing, Yet Illegal Market of Online Gambling

Since the Internet allows companies to conduct gambling online, albeit illegally, the legal implications of the sport have come into consideration. Federal and State level gambling laws strictly restrict and regulate gambling throughout the country. The opportunity to conduct gambling online allowed site operators to register sites offline, in districts…


Conducting Business in a Technological World: e-Contracts and e-Signatures

The legal implications of electronic signatures have drawn public and legal attention as more parties contract over the Internet, agreeing to terms with the single click of a mouse. In 2000 Congress passed the Electronic Signatures in Global and International Commerce Act (ESGICA), under Title 15 U.S.C. Chapter 96 (sections…


Internet Defamation: A Changing Field of Law

The expansion of the Internet is leading towards an increase in suits for defamation, as more people are able to freely publish their opinions on the Internet and reach a worldwide audience. A claim for defamation involves an untrue statement that damages a person’s reputation. Defamation in written or printed…

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