In New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964), the United States Supreme Court ruled that the First Amendment limits common-law defamation claims brought by public officials. The Court held that to recover for publication of a defamatory falsehood, a public official must prove that the challenged statement…
Internet Lawyer Blog
Politically-motivated hackers release sensitive information
In the recent years, politically-motivated hackers have made sensitive information available to bloggers and mainstream media at unprecedented rates. For example, Wikileaks released leaked Afghan war logs and government diplomatic cables. Anonymous individual hacked and released emails from the computer security firm HBGary. A college student gained access to and…
The Federal Housing Finance Agency Sues Big Banks
The United States government recently filed suit against 17 financial companies, including, but not limited to, the largest domestic banks, for selling Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage-backed securities worth billions of dollars that turned bad when the housing market collapsed. Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc., JP Morgan Chase…
Facebook Seeks More Acquisitions and Looks to Compete with Twitter and Google
Facebook Inc., which is currently considered the world’s largest social network, plans more acquisitions so to improve its site design, keep services more reliable and advance its mobile features to compete with Twitter and Google which are active in the same arenas. Facebook’s director of corporate development, Vaughan Smith stated…
Is Email Hacking a Crime?
In April 2010, David Kernell faced trial for “hacking” into then-Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin’s personal email account. In November 12, 2010, David Kernell was indicted (i.e., a grand jury believed there was sufficient evidence to place him on trial on federal charges). Thereafter, a jury convicted him of two charges.…
New-Age Hackers Force Symantec and McAfee to Scramble for Better Solutions
A rise in attacks by hackers in 2011 is showing limits of an older generation of security software from Symantec Corp. ( and McAfee Inc. ( and is placing pressure on these high-tech companies to upgrade products. These and similar companies are seeking to keep up with cloud computing and…
Mall Owners Embrace New and Emerging Technologies
Mall owners are harnessing digital technology to stem an erosion in their tenant base by online retailing and to promote shopper attendance to their centers. Hammerson which is a leading European real estate company in London, United Kingdom ( plans to use a system which tracks shoppers to its malls…
U.S. Senators Demand Response on Cyber Warfare Policies
On July 20, 2011, according to the leaders of the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Defense Department has failed to deliver to Congress a report on cyber warfare policies which may clarify the legal authorities and rules of engagement to be used in the event of a cyber attack. Senators…
Google Loses Bid to Seal Records in Patent Case With Oracle
Google, Inc., which is currently the world’s largest Internet search company, lost its bid to seal legal documents in a patent-infringement lawsuit filed sometime in 2010 by Oracle, Corp. (ORCL). Google’s attempt to seek protection of portions of a transcript related to expert witnesses under the attorney-client privilege was futile.…
Intellectual Property RE: Apple-Samsung Patent Issues
Apple, Inc. (AAPL)’s patent complaint which seeks to block imports of Samsung Electronics Co.’s Galaxy S mobile phone and Galaxy Tab computer will be reviewed by the International Trade Commission (ITC). See also The ITC, which is a quasi-judicial agency in Washington, D.C., arbitrates such trade disputes and announced…