
Internet Lawyer Blog


Big Data Rules and Regulations – Part II

Big data rules and regulations should be enhanced and updated by state and federal legislators simply because big data analytics across all industry sectors is important to improve efficiency. In general, big data analytics is used to predict consumer behaviors so they can be targeted by commercial organizations. This information…


Big Data Rules and Regulations – Part I

The term “big data” is generally used for the collection and analysis of a large amount of electronic data by using special and complex algorithms. The process is to analyze the correlation between large data sets which would not make sense independently. Now, another reason for its expansion is because…


Cyberstalking and Cyberharassment Laws

Cyberstalking takes place when the culprit uses information and communication technologies to initiate the violations. These actions may include harassment, annoyance, attacks, or threats against the victims. The culprits can start the attacks by emails, instant messages, calling, texting, or other communication methods. There have been cases where the culprit…


Corporate Cybersecurity

It’s important to implement practical corporate cybersecurity measures especially in today’s volatile climate. The number of reported cyber threats are increasing as we progress and it will most likely continue on the same trajectory. All businesses and commercial enterprises are a target especially if they have access or control over…


Legal Issues Of Non-Fungible Tokens

Non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”) are unique digital items that have been a focus of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) which is the federal government agency that enforces security regulations to protect investors. NFTs are made out of computer code and recorded on a blockchain ledger that can prove…


Is Non-Fungible Token a Security or Asset?

A non-fungible token (“NFT”) is a non-exchangeable unit of data that is stored on a blockchain and is transferrable to another party. In short, blockchain is a type of a digital ledger. NFTs can be related to photos, videos, or audio files. NFTs are not the same as cryptocurrencies because…


Social Media Litigation – Part III

Social media law comprises of several different components including free speech, privacy, online advertisement, and intellectual property rights. These issues come up regularly during the course of online transactions between parties. The courts have been inundated with social media litigation and have issued their rulings when faced with complicated problems.…


Social Media Litigation – Part II

Social media litigation can be caused or initiated for various reasons related to privacy violations, online defamation, internet harassment, contractual disputes, and intellectual property violations. Privacy violations take place when a company does not adhere to its terms of use or privacy policy. The terms of use and privacy policy…


Social Media Litigation – Part I

Social media litigation has become increasingly prevalent for obvious reasons. This is simply because multiple issues come up on social media websites and platforms. The objective of this article is to discuss them. Business entrepreneurs, owners, and operators, who have an online presence on various social media websites, such as…

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