So, now you’ve registered and gotten everything you need for your drone. What now? Well, it depends on what you plan on using your drone for. Maybe it’s a gift for a child or a friend. Maybe you’d just like to use it for fun. However, as we briefly touched upon in our last post, there are requirements and restrictions placed on your drone if those actions are for commercial use. So, what qualifies as a commercial act? What has to be done regardless of commercial or non-commercial uses? What uses would require a business to register and go through the whole process, and which uses would allow an individual to operate freely?
Non-Commercial Use
Part of the reason there are fewer restrictions on non-commercial use of drones is due to the special rule of model aircraft. This would have the drone operate under different, less restrictive rules, and while still requiring the drone be registered with the FAA if it is within the weight range of 0.55 LBS to 55 LBS, it is generally exempted from onerous requirements.